King Arthur's Labyrinth

Organising School Visit Days Out North Wales

A visit to King Arthur’s Labyrinth occupies a little over an hour. A further attraction The Welsh Legends Maze, also follows a myths and legends theme and can be explored at your own pace. As a guide, it is suggested that approximately 45 minutes are allowed. Further time can be enjoyed visiting the craft workshops and small adventure playground. Trips to the neighbouring Corris Mine Explorers can cover 1 3/4, 3 and 4.5 hours.

How to Book your School Visit to King Arthur’s Labyrinth:

  1. Download a School Visits Booking Form Email this to us and we will contact you to confirm the availability of your chosen date and time and to answer any questions you may have.
  2. Payment Options: - Once we have contacted you to confirm your visit date you can either: Secure your booking with a 10% non-refundable deposit paid by cheque or invoice and pay the balance on the day of your visit. 
    Or: You can choose to pay the full amount which includes the 10% non refundable deposit.  Full payment prior to your arrival will ensure that the seats are available until the boat trip departs. It is essential, however that you arrive at least 30 minutes before the trip departs. 
  3. Should you need to cancel your School booking for any reason, we need at least 2 weeks’ notice and a full refund of the cost of your tickets (if you have already paid in full) and your 10% deposit will be repaid to you.  When tickets are cancelled without the minimum 2 weeks’ notice your deposit will be retained.

    Click here for our 2025 School Prices.

Tours sail into the Labyrinth from 10am to 4.30pm each day from the end of March to the beginning of November. Our Gift Shop opens daily from 10am to 5pm.

Educational Visits Booking Form for King Arthur's Labyrinth (271 Kb)

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A school group entering our Snowdonia adventure park A group on school days out North Wales entering the dark tunnels of the Labyrinth The cave in our Snowdonia adventure park where Arthur and his men sleep Trip Advisor Travellers' Choice 2023