King Arthur's Labyrinth

Group Booking Form for King Arthur's Labyrinth

Please note, when making a booking for your group visit, our discounted group prices are only available to pre-booked groups of 15 people or more and do not apply during August. Please complete and submit this form, and we will confirm your booking as soon as possible. If you wish to make a group visit within the next 7 days, please telephone us on 01654 761584 (Option 3) to make your booking.

Booking Enquiry


Booking Details

Number in group (minimum 15)

Which attractions will you be visiting:

Preferred time
King Arthur’s Labyrinth
Welsh Legends Maze
Corris Craft Centre

Please remember that you need to arrive at the Labyrinth reception at least 30 minutes before the start of your King Arthur’s Labyrinth tour.



Please note we will contact you to confirm your booking and arrange payment.

What happens next?

Once we’ve received your booking enquiry we will contact you by your preferred means and confirm the booking, or offer alternate dates if your preferred dates are not available.

When you’re ready, click the 'Send' button and we’ll take care of the rest.

Your Privacy: We will only use your details to respond to your enquiry. All personal data is processed in accordance with our privacy policy.


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